
A site dedicated to keeping BCR open to the public.  Recently Loudoun water purchased all Fairfax county owned water assets in Loudoun county.  After the purchase they shut down access to one of the areas best (and only open) flat water areas.  This site is dedicated to keeping the reservoir open to the public.

Some folks might question why are we so worried about a little construction?  A few good reasons, first Loudoun Water hasn’t had any stakeholder input before starting these plans.  They went back on their word stated in the paper on February 6, 2014. Second,  five years is a very long time.  The metro silver line was built in five years, and that was right in the middle of the east coast’s busiest highway.  Third, a similar thing happened to a once thriving Lake Manassas.  Once a popular recreational spot, it was “temporarily closed” for renovations, never to be open to the public again.

8 thoughts on “About”

  1. I’m thrilled to hear this! Now, where can I buy a reasonably priced used kayak?? I’d go for a paddle board too. Thanks in advance.

    1. I don’t thing there is an offical response as to why swimming isn’t allowed but a few reasons I’ve heard from various people at NVRPA and Loudoun Water:

      -Liability – anyone using the reservoir is supposed to use a life jacket/PFD.
      -Location – With no real beaches and plenty of glass and rocks, there just aren’t good places to swim. The water is also very shallow near the banks, you’d have to go out very far to actually swim. The only place that might actually be usable for swimming is the restricted area around the dam.

  2. Thanks so much for working on this. We were so surprised when we were kicked out of the park last year. This area has so little public water access for fishing, kayaking, etc. it’s a crime to deny access to this publicly owned lake.

  3. Hi there,

    My family loves the Beaverdam Creek Reservoir and we’d like to do our part to help keep the park clean. I’m in the process of setting up a neighborhood clean up.

    Also, do you know the history of the Beaverdam Creek? Has it always been there? Or was it created with the development of Loudoun County in the last 50-100 years? Also, we noticed lots of sediment like rocks at the reservoir. I’d love to learn more about this kind of rock–it also looked as thought it could be cement.

    Thank you for the work your doing on behalf of this natural resource!


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