June 4 Board of Supervisors Meeting update

Just a quick executive summary on the board meeting last night.

Fred Jennings made a presentation at 4:15PM

  • No Public access
  • No dates for construction start or end
  • No RFPs submitted
  • No stakeholder involvement
  • Loudoun Rowing club will continue to have access at least until the end of 2014
  • Hidden dangers abound as well as possible algaecide use make it too dangerous for public access

We had a large turnout for the public comment session.  Fred Jennings left, however Mark Peterson, LW director of stakeholder communications was there to listen to our comments.  Supervisor Williams and Reid pressed hard for access.  Supervisor Clarke didn’t mention a word about it even though it sits in her district!  You can view the video footage here:

Youtube Fred Jennings Presentation

Youtube Public Comment Session

Loudoun Board of Superviors Meeting archive

Williams has asked us to give Loudoun Water a chance to respond otherwise he will continue to apply pressure, he is truly our ally here.  The best thing we can do right now is to get more signatures to the petition and continue to raise awareness.  We are making excellent headway!

Please work to get our petition numbers up, click here to add your name to the list!